Knee Pain

Anterior Knee Pain
There are numerous causes of anterior knee pain, each of which has different symptoms and treatments. Anterior knee pain often starts insidiously although it can start with a traumatic incident such as landing on the knee cap (patella) or hyperextension (over straightening). One of the most important elements in eliminating anterior knee pain is to getting correct diagnosis early on, which is something your physiotherapist can help you with.
Patello-femoral Syndrome
Patello-femoral syndrome refers to the irritation of the cartilage behind the patella (or kneecap). It is sometimes known as Chondromalacia Patella if the cartilage becomes roughened and damage occurs.

  • Pain around the area of the inside of the kneecap
  • Pain which becomes worse when running (especially downhill)
  • Pain when going up or down steps or hills
  • Increase of pain when undertaking weight-bearing sport requiring repeated knee flexion/extension, e.g. distance running
Treatment normally involves stretching out the muscles of the lower limbs and the lower back and incorporating a strengthening programme to increase core muscle strength. The alignment of the pelvis, hip, knee and foot in walking and running will also be assessed.
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